Friday, 27 September 2013

Few recent creations....

Blog hop next week

Ok slight panic stations as I need to get on and make some pretty things with the beads and focals I received last month.... Eeeeeek 
How gorgeous are they?????? Bloghop takes place next Wednesday so don't miss out to see what I come up with....At the moment I have some chain and some peanut beads and some chiffon set aside.....

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Go away autumn....

Everyone seems to be taking great delight on the fact autumn has arrived in the northern hemisphere .... For me it signals the beginning of 6 months of cold and darkness. While I can appreciate those cold crisp blue skied days we have in the UK I don't like the dark.i feel claustrophobic and hemmed in by it and I long for sunshine and warmth...good job we will be emigrating in a few years to
The Southern Hemisphere where I grew up! So on a brighter note here is
my latest make!!
Using dyed sari cloth, peanut beads and a beautiful Bo Hulley focal it will brighten up my day in the coming months (though yesterday was rather a lovely warm day in the UK!)

Thursday, 12 September 2013

This week I have mainly been experimenting with resin!!

This week I have made this necklace using diamond glaze. The recycled dyed sari material is from Smitten. The flowers are up cycled from an old watch. I also have dark pink and orange ones to play with!! 

I am hoping to get some time this weekend to make some more bits and pieces - the job gets in the way in the week!

Friday, 6 September 2013

My beads are here!!!

My beads have arrived...waiting for some inspiration but I think there may be 3 pieces ~~~ 2 necklaces and a bracelet~~~~ aren't they lovely!!! I am totally smitten with the largest of the beads 

Monday, 2 September 2013

Keeping busy

Last day today before the dreaded return to work .... I seriously do not know where the past 6 weeks have gone ... I received my jewels for the blog hop challenge but will share those in a later post! Here are some of my most recent creations.. 
As you can see I am developing my love of resin and have a feeling this may be something I do more of! I have lots of ideas!!!hopefully all those charms I have will be useful!

Trip to Ireland

Well we had a good trip to Ireland and even managed to kiss the Blarney Stone ... Here are some pics from Blarney Castle...